An Intimate Look at Vaping and Pregnancy

Being pregnant is considered to be one of the most joyous as well as scary time in a woman’s life. While the former is obvious, the latter can be quite puzzling. Why would a pregnant woman be scared? Well, for one, pregnant women tend to be more at risk when it comes to certain conditions. One such example would be smoking during pregnancy.

Smoking has always been considered as a threat to one’s health. It is considered to be the primary cause of lung cancer as well as coronary heart disease, stroke, and a number of vascular diseases. Because of the great impact it carries, it is something that most medical professionals recommend against, especially for pregnant women.

In pregnant women, smoking has been known to cause a number of medical problems with the unborn child. Some of these would include premature birth, respiratory problems, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, and low birth weight. On the side of the mother, smoking during pregnancy can lead to stillbirth, miscarriage and tubal pregnancy.

Of course, habits can be quite hard to break. That being the case, those who cannot easily let go of their nicotine cravings could either go for a nicotine patch or try an electronic cigarette; but what about pregnant smokers? Are these options also safe for them?

Here Comes Electronic Cigarettes

For most people who are into smoking but would like to lessen their nicotine intake, technology now offers what is now known as vapes, or electronic cigarettes. Electronic cigarette is actually a vaporizer that produces an aerosol. This aerosol is produced with the help of an atomizer that causes the liquid solution, or juice, to vaporize. The aerosol is what you see as smoke coming out of the electronic cigarette.

Now, there are very little literature that would suggest a relationship between using electronic cigarette and pregnancy. Those that exist seem to imply that nicotine, regardless if it is coming from a patch, a cigarette, or a vape, can be absorbed by the body, enough to reach the growing fetus. The difference lies in the amount absorbed. Of the three, smoking has the highest amount absorbed, followed by the patch, and then the electronic cigarette. Based on this hierarchy then, we could assume that, in the case of electronic cigarettes, there is already very little nicotine that gets absorbed by the body as well as by the baby, making it a bit safer so long as the mother does not engage in regular smoking. This, however, is still purely speculation and also calls to question what happens if the mother would indulge in regular smoking of an e-cigarette.

With the jury still out on whether electronic cigarette is bad for you, it comes as no surprise that more and more people who are trying to, at least, control the habit, are still going after the e-cigarette. Fortunately, you need not look very far if you want to buy one as there are more than a handful of online sellers of electronic cigarettes. Most of these online sellers have their own electronic cigarette merchant accounts and secure payment gateway allowing you to make a stress-free purchase.

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This entry was written by Blair Thomas who is an electronic payment expert who co-founded out of Los Angeles.  Blair and his company have led the way in their Industry, helping simplify credit card processing for credit repair companies.

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