Vaping vs Smoking Filter Test

Erik Colvin feels like the vaping industry is always being attacked, so he decided to make a YouTube video that shows the difference between what a smoker is inhaling when they smoke a cigarette, and what a vaper is inhaling when they vape e-juice. Here's Erik's video followed by a short interview.

Vaping Blog:  What inspired you to make this video?

Erik:  I feel like the vaping industry is always being attacked, instead of receiving praise for helping so many people quit smoking. It seems to me that it's a better answer than "Chantix" which has been responsible for 500 suicides since it's conception, but you never hear about that. It's only briefly mentioned in the side effects on the voice over. Even if vaping wasn't 100% safe, big tobacco kills 1,200 people a day. I would think that would take precedence in the governments/ FDA's attention. I have yet to hear of anyone killed by vaping. I know they have the two go to incidents; the poorly supervised child that drank a bottle of eliquid and got nicotine poisoning, and the guy with a homemade mechanical mod sporting stacked batteries and no vent holes, that turned it into a pipe bomb. Both incidents are unfortunate and my heart goes out to those people. However, it is nothing, nothing compared to the 500 killed by Chantix , or the 1200 a day killed by big tobacco.

Vaping Blog:  It looks like you are in the attic. Why?

Erik:   The video was filmed in my garage. I needed a place I could control the lighting as well as smoke. No way was I lighting up in my house.

Vaping Blog:  How long have you been vaping? Were you a smoker? How long? 

Erik:  I started smoking at the age of 15. I tried to quit with every different method imaginable but to no avail. Until the age of 35 when I came across vaping and quit that very day for good. I'm 37 now and have been vaping for over two years.

Vaping Blog:  Can you talk a bit about your 7th grade science project. It obviously left an impression on you. Was it to teach students why they shouldn't smoke?

Erik:  The 7th grade project was almost identical to what I did in the video, and yes it was that teachers way of showing us how stupid it is to smoke. Unfortunately it still wasn't enough to keep me from starting.

Vaping Blog:  What level nic was the juice you used? Have you tried this with different levels? I'm wondering if there is a difference?

Erik: The juice I'm using in the video is 6 mg. I've tried it with 12 also and the effect was exactly the same. I have never gone higher than 12 though, because I don't vape any higher than that. It shouldn't make a difference how high you go with the nicotine, because the nicotine isn't what your seeing on the cigarette sample. It's tar and all the other junk they put in those things.

1 comment:

  1. I've tried quitting smoking numerous times in the past with little to no joy. I've tried cold turkey, nasty inhaler things, mints/lozenges, bombay mix and ultra-violent computer games and nothing has ever lasted more than maybe a couple of weeks at the very best. herakles plus tank sense
