The Vapor Hut - Wookey Cookie

The Vapor Hut - Wookey Cookie e-liquidIf memory serves me right, a Star Wars character threw a bottle of e-juice my way at VCC in Tampa. It was a 5ml bottle of The Vapor Hut's Wookey Cookie.

Wookey Cookie has a wonderful aroma. It smells like a fresh baked cookie made with hazelnut, vanilla, graham cracker and something spicy. I would be content just sitting here and sniffing the bottle. I couldn't help but taste a drop or two.  It is very sweet and tastes just like a good cookie should.

After vaping it a few days, I find I mostly get vanilla, hazelnut and graham cracker.  At times it tastes like there may be a bit of caramel in the mix as well. It's very rich and creamy, and produces lots of delicious vapor.

Taking a trip over to The Vapor Hut's website, I find from reading the product description that caramel is indeed in the mix:

"What does Chewbacca eat? What ever he wants to…that’s what! But if he has his choice it’s a cookie that tastes like this juice. A Creamy vanilla and caramel on the inhale followed by a nice semi nutty Graham Crackery crust on the exhale! Intergalactic amazingness! 60 VG/ 40 PG"

If you enjoy dessert vapes and to add a good cookie flavor to your e-liquid collection, think about giving Wookey Cookie i try.  It's good stuff!

1 comment:

  1. Wookie cookie is the best vape juice on the market I wish I could order it by the gallon.. I absolutely love it. They don't sell it locally yet. I live in California I got it in san luis obisbo, and have yet to find it here. I am super bummed. too expensive to buy on the website. but, I am going to try and find it. :(
