American E-Liquid - Industry Standards

 AEMSA is the first and only manufacturer's trade association dedicated to creating responsible and sustainable standards for the safe manufacturing of the e-liquids/smoke juice used with electronic cigarettes and personal vaporizors. AEMSA is an all volunteer organization which was formed by American manufacturers of e-liquids who desire to promote safety and responsibility through self-regulation.

One of AEMSA’s primary goals is to provide consumers with high degree of confidence that its members’ products are manufactured with professionalism, accuracy and safety.  In order to attain this goal, AEMSA has created a set of standards which can be viewed or downloaded in pdf form

Anyone who mixes their own DIY mixes should take a look at these standards, as should anyone interested in the e-juice they vape. All U.S. manufacturers of e-juice should consider adopting these standards, as well as becoming a certified member of AEMSA, in light of the political push to force the FA to regulate electronic cigarettes and e-liquids.

AEMSA provides a list of certified manufacturers on their website.  If you are shopping e-liquid/smoke juice and have concerns about safety and quality, you may want to purchase your e-juice from one of these vendors.

If you are an American manufacturer of e-liquids, and wish to apply for membership to AEMSA, send an email to AEMSA at : Info@AEMSA.ORG     Type “New Application Inquiry” in the subject line of your email. Include your full business name, link to your web page, physical address, telephone number and the person’s name you wish us to contact in the body.

The AEMSA is currently working to help the FDA get a good grasp and understanding of the industry.  They are providing factual information to counter some of the irrational claims made by people and lobbyists who simply hate cigarettes and are trying to get electronic cigarettes banned. 

The AEMSA also offers a free mentorship program to help businesses who want to adopt AEMSA standards.

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